I know I’m always looking to stretch a buck. Buy-one-get-one night at local eateries, my pet food purchase point card, and just about any dry-cleaning coupon I can get my hands on – these are incredibly meaningful savings to my household budget. So I want to remind you how as a McWane Science Center Member, there is much more value in your membership than just free admission to Adventure Halls. Or even free parking.
Here are a few perks you may want to take advantage of over the next few months…
· With our current Member- Get- A- Member offer, we will give you an additional two free months of membership for each nonmember friend you successfully encourage to join. No limit!
· Our new member benefits include 20% off purchases in the Smart Café and gift shop.
· Another new benefit is that Family and Grandparent members get $2 off all IMAX and simulator tickets (except on Sundays, when IMAX tickets are already discounted to $5!)
· Don’t forget about camp discounts! Members get anywhere from $25 to $50 off each week-long summer camp. Plus, lunch and snacks are included in the camp price.
· And if you do have some happy campers, keep in mind that before and after care (both with supervised activities with McWane Science Center staff) is absolutely FREE to members! That’s a $25 value!
· On Member Day, coming up on July 18, you will be able to get in free to other local attractions, such as the Birmingham Zoo, Vulcan Park, The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, even the Jazz Hall of Fame! Show your McWane Science Center member card!
· Members save too with discounts on fun-for-the-family special activities like Dinner and a Mission, Daddy-Daughter Days, and Camp-Ins!
· Feel like a road trip? Our members get free general museum admission to both the US Space and Rocket Center and Sci-Quest in Huntsville, and the Gulf Coast Exploreum in Mobile plus free or discounted admission to more than 250 other museums in the U.S.

And of course, if there are other benefits you value, let me know about them here! We’re always open to suggestions…thanks for your support that helps us continue to offer these exponential experiences!
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